Sr. No. | Parameter | Marks | Weightages |
1 | Teaching, Learning & Resources | 100 | 0.30 |
2 | Research and Professional Practice | 100 | 0.30 |
3 | Graduation Outcomes | 100 | 0.20 |
4 | Outreach and Inclusivity | 100 | 0.10 |
5 | Perception | 100 | 0.10 |
Ranking weight: 0.10
Overall Assessment Metric:
OI = RD(30) + WD(30) +ESCS(20) + PCS(20)
Component metrics based on :
Percentage of Students from other States/ Countries (Region Diversity RD): 30 marks
RD = 25 × fraction of total students enrolled from other states + 5 × fraction of students enrolled from other countries
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Percentage of Women (Women Diversity WD): 30 marks
WD = 15 × (NWS/50) + 15 × (NWF/20)
NWS are the percentage of Women students.
NWF are the percentage of Women Faculty including the women members in senior administrative positions, such as Heads of Departments, Deans or Institute Heads.
Expectation: 50% women students and 20% women faculty.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Economically and Socially Challenged Students (ESCS) : 20 marks
ESCS = 20 × f(Nesc)
Nesc is the percentage of UG students being provided full tuition fee rembursement by the institution to pursue their degree programs.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Facilities for Physically Challenged Students (PCS): 20 marks
PCS = 20 marks, if the Institute provides full facilities for physically challenged
students, as outlined.
Else, in proportion to facilities.
Basis: Verifiable Responses to Questions.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Sr. No. | Parameter | Marks | Weightages |
1 | Teaching, Learning & Resources | 100 | 0.40 |
2 | Research and Professional Practice | 100 | 0.15 |
3 | Graduation Outcomes | 100 | 0.25 |
4 | Outreach and Inclusivity | 100 | 0.10 |
5 | Perception | 100 | 0.10 |
Ranking weight: 0.10
Overall Assessment Metric:
OI = RD(30) + WD(30) +ESCS(20) + PCS(20)
Component metrics based on :
Percentage of Students from other States/ Countries (Region Diversity RD): 30 marks
RD = 25 × fraction of total students enrolled from other states + 5 × fraction of students enrolled from other countries
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Percentage of Women (Women Diversity WD): 30 marks
WD = 15 × (NWS/50) + 15 × (NWF/20)
NWS are the percentage of Women students.
NWF are the percentage of Women Faculty including the women members in senior administrative positions, such as Heads of Departments, Deans or Institute Heads.
Expectation: 50% women students and 20% women faculty.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Economically and Socially Challenged Students (ESCS) : 20 marks
ESCS = 20 × f(Nesc)
Nesc is the percentage of UG students being provided full tuition fee rembursement by the institution to pursue their degree programs.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Facilities for Physically Challenged Students (PCS): 20 marks
PCS = 20 marks, if the Institute provides full facilities for physically challenged
students, as outlined.
Else, in proportion to facilities.
Basis: Verifiable Responses to Questions.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.