Sr. No. | Parameter | Marks | Weightages |
1 | Teaching, Learning & Resources | 100 | 0.30 |
2 | Research and Professional Practice | 100 | 0.30 |
3 | Graduation Outcomes | 100 | 0.20 |
4 | Outreach and Inclusivity | 100 | 0.10 |
5 | Perception | 100 | 0.10 |
Ranking weight: 0.20
Overall Assessment Metric:
GO = GPH(40) + GUE(15) + GMS(25) + GPHD(20)
Component metrics based on :
Combined Metric for Placement and Higher Studies (GPH): 40 marks
GPH = 40 × (Np/100 +Nhs/100)
Np = Percentage of graduating students (in UG/ PG programs) placed in the previous three years.
Nhs = Percentage of graduating students (in UG/ PG programs) who have been selected for higher studies in the previous three years.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Metric for University Examinations (GUE): 15 Marks
GUE = 15 × min [(Ng/80), 1]
Ng is the percentage of Students (as a fraction of the approved intake), averaged over previous three years, passing the respective university examinations in stipulated time for the program in which enrolled.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Median Salary(GMS): 25 Marks
GMS = 25 × f (MS)
MS = Median salary of graduates (in UG/PG program) in the previous three years from an institution.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Metric for Number of Ph.D Students Graduated (GPHD): 20 Marks
GPHD = 20 × f(Nphd)
Nphd = Average number of Ph.D students graduated (awarded Ph.D) over the previous three years.
Primary Data: Number of graduating Ph.D. Students as reflected in the approved Annual Report/Convocation Report to be provided in the prescribed format.
Sr. No. | Parameter | Marks | Weightages |
1 | Teaching, Learning & Resources | 100 | 0.40 |
2 | Research and Professional Practice | 100 | 0.15 |
3 | Graduation Outcomes | 100 | 0.25 |
4 | Outreach and Inclusivity | 100 | 0.10 |
5 | Perception | 100 | 0.10 |
Ranking weight: 0.25
Overall Assessment Metric:
GO = GPH(40) + GUE(40) + GMS(20)
Component metrics based on :
Combined Metric for Placement and Higher Studies (GPH): 40 marks
GPH = 40 × (Np/100 +Nhs/100)
Np = Percentage of graduating students (in UG/ PG programs) placed in the previous three years.
Nhs = Percentage of graduating students (in UG/ PG programs) who have been selected for higher studies in the previous three years.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Metric for University Examinations (GUE): 40 Marks
GUE = 40 × min [(Ng/80), 1]
Ng is the percentage of Students (as a fraction of the approved intake), averaged over previous three years, passing the respective university examinations in stipulated time for the program in which enrolled.
Primary Data: To be provided in a prescribed Format.
Median Salary(GMS): 20 Marks
GMS = 25 × f (MS)
MS = Median salary of graduates (in UG/PG program) in the previous three years from an institution.
Primary Data: To be made available by the institutions in the prescribed format giving names of companies, number of students recruited by each, and the maximum, minimum and median salary, offered by each. The overall minimum, maximum and median salary should also be provided.